Animal Stories
5 Jul, 2017

From Joe, UK
Hi, when I was a kid I grew up in the surrey hills,every Saturday I would go off with the local milkman to help him on his roun…
11 Aug, 2016

From Audrey, USA
I was fortunate enough to watch the beautiful story of Christian on television last night. I was moved beyond belief whe…
10 Sep, 2014

Kathleen, Colorado Springs
Father’s Day 2009
I met a Rotweiller that, some would say, could have been no one less than an angel and one family m…
10 Sep, 2014

Fan email – Deanna, NY
I absolutely LOVE this. Everything about it. All these beautiful animals deserve the world and are such loving creatur…
6 Aug, 2014

Letter to Christian from fan, Inés
Dear Christian,
I always think of you and wonder what your life would have been like if kind, generous and determined peo…
26 May, 2014

Fan Email – Colleen
I wanted to let you know that your book on Christian is one of my favourite books of all time. I read it years ago in the 70&…
21 Feb, 2014

Aastha, India
Seeing Christian today, I felt the urge to hug my tamed tabby cat- LEO 🙂 We first saw him when he was barely few days old. Suc…
21 Feb, 2014

Cynthia, USA
A lovely message from Cynthia:
I came upon the book, A Lion Called Christian, in the library and picked it off the shelf, i…
22 Oct, 2013

Hélène, Canada
The Story of My Cat Hermione
In 2003, I found a cat that I named Hermione and I would like to share her story. On October 25th…
11 Nov, 2011

Bingo, India
I am from a city called Bangalore in India. I once found a dog with a severe wound on its right leg. I took it to the nearest ve…