Animal Stories
18 Oct, 2011
Franck, France
Bonjour from France! I’ve just finish to read the book after having viewed again and again the differnt videos o…
18 Oct, 2011
Mable, Hong Kong
Thank you so much for making the video… I just couldn’t find a word to describe my feeling, tears keep rolli…
18 Oct, 2011
Carmen, Germany
Last weekend I read your book: Christian the lion. It was so facinating that I coudn`t stop reading. Thank you for writ…
18 Oct, 2011
Marge, Australia
I have just read your story in a Readers Digest book, and just had to see for myself. This is the most touching and beautif…
18 Oct, 2011
Antje, Germany
The story about the lion Christian is really amazing. I saw a reportage with my son, he´s 7 years old, on TV. When the fil…
18 Oct, 2011
P M, India
Today I watch 1 documentery movie on Animal Planet about CHRISTIAN & I want to say I can’t stop crying. I had n…
18 Oct, 2011
Ishwar, India
Hi my name is Ishwar Vyas and I’m a 13 year old boy from India. I saw the pic of Christian the Lion and I also saw the vi…
17 Oct, 2011
Claudia, Germany
Dear John, Dear Ace, I saw your film on German TV today – A REALLY LOVELY STORY !! I love dogs for my whole life, but C…
1 Sep, 2011
Elizabeth, USA
Hi Team Christian – I am a bit late to the party on discovering your fantastic story, but the video was forwarded to…
1 Sep, 2011
Christian, Italy
A beautiful story, after seeing a documentary on History Channel I’m passionate and I bought the book f